Saturday, September 11, 2010

Football Football Football and Soccer

So Today was a very busy day. Starting at 6 a.m. up and getting Teague off to his game in Firth. He was pumped up and excited. Teague loves football. I was there at 9:15 I had a hard time finding the place. Teague did so good, he plays so well. His team did not win but we had lots of heart and they did not give up.

Here are some pictures of Teague's game.

Teague Number 54

Teague no. 54 coming up from a tackle

Waiting on the coach and Referee to stop arguing

Teague in the middle of a tackle he is the one you can see his face the best

Teague up against number 60 something

Then it was to Idaho Falls Community Park for Ethan's game at 11.
Ethan was the only one who scored a touchdown on his team.
Needless to say they also lost.
Here are some pictures of his game.

Ethan is the one grabbing the flag

Playing with his mouth guard

Then Tate and Sydney played at 11:30 at Community Park. They are the Bronco's. Their team won. I have a hard time with their coach. When Chris coached last year their was this one coach that we did not like, bad sportsmanship very mean to the kids. Then this year we get a call to be on his team. I gave the kids the decission to play on his team or not at all, whatever they decided I did not want to hear crying and complaining. They both decided to play. I just told them they can still be good sports and not follow
the other team members or the coach in bad sportsmanship.
Sydney is very fast, she always plays defense, she gets the flag almost everytime.
Tate is offense mostly, hiking the ball or blocking.
Here are some pictures of them.

Tate Hiking the ball

Defense, Defense D-Fense

Tate on the run

Then at 11:45 was Taya's soccer game good thing that was at Community Park also so I was able to go from one field to the other watching all of them.
This is her first year playing any sport. She is fast and goes after the ball she made the first goal!!!!!!! She did not even realize she did it. It was funny.
Here are some of her pictures.

It was very fun to watch all these games today. Next Saturday will be the same with all these games. It is crazy but I love it.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't realize you had a blog! I just saw you on my permissions for my blog and clicked to see your profile and saw your blogs. Fun pics of the kids!
